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Professional Development

Nature-Based Lessons

Bring Nature-Based Lessons aim to address both learning loss and social emotional connection to nature. Nature-Based enhance creativity, increases critical thinking, and boosts problem-solving.  Additional addresses learning loss through boosting reading, writing, math, social studies, and science performance. 

Interdisciplinary Project Planning
Team Meeting

For many teachers moving away from the traditional approach of teaching, to a Project-Based learning classroom can be daunting. Tackling the demands of students' needs, administrative requests and standardized testing can be difficult but planning as a team can really meet all the needs. This professional development course team builds through curriculum design and project-based strategies for learning and collaboration. This course is best suited for Secondary Education (Grade 6-12)

Project-Based Learning Through Screens
Online Class

As taught as a guest educator at UC Berkley , Ms. Rattigan, M.A., offer teachers strategies to work with students while teaching through various online platforms. Project-Based Learning can be a solution to both engage students but bring excitement for both teachers and students

Positive Discipline in the Classroom
Teacher with Pupils

We all have our triggers and buttons. Some students have the very talented ability to push all the buttons and ding all the triggers. This professional development helps administrators and teachers to find a way to manage the classroom peacefully and with positive redirection. The kids who need the most love will ask for it in the most unloving ways. This Professional Development will help identify what students are seeking through their behaviors. 

Cultural Responsiveness
Smiling Teens

Having a firm understanding of students' cultural backgrounds will help them to thrive in the classroom. Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) fosters and engages learners to know that they are respected and a part of their learning communities. Ultimately, CRT is the most impactful form of teaching to close the gap in learning.

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